Why does Downsizefitness reviews the products?
It is in our founding values that we will be established for the sake of consumers. With the Downsizefitness’ young age of existence, we have already developed the idea for a new consumer-focused business model, which we all know as "verified commerce".
Moreover, our dearest customers can cast a vote with their dollars. Customers will always tend to start here every time they wanted or needed to purchase a product. They should have to choose the best product from the stores that we recommend. All the revenues we obtained from the payment of every loyal one contributes to the improvement of product testing as well as testing results and ranking for free.
Our very first launched "verified commerce" experiment had become the most attention-seeking feature in our site. Thousands people and counting have purchased on sites that we rank on our domain which supports the testing of new products.
Untested products will not be listed to our customers in our rankings.
-We aim for the good quality of the products rather than quantity.
We will not be unbiased to a specific product.
-There will be no products left out. Everything would be tested and graded fairly using unified criteria.
We will never let manufacturers affect our ratings
-We are working for you, we carry the big responsibility and it has to be taken seriously. Any forms of bribery and threats of lawsuits will not change our principles.
Consumers win
YYou can obtain information with no fees.
-Subscription is not the thing we always wanted to have revenues, but giving of information for free is our thing.
-Each new customer that visits verified sites contributes to the company's fund and therefore helps to the total development and research.
You control our destiny
-Gaining your trust in every new purchase is what we need. Our company will standstill as long as long as we have you trusting us while giving the most reliable and the best source of product data and ranking.